The Very Essence of Your Word is Truth

SA01 - Be Convinced That God’s “Word Is Truth”

Today we’re going to pop in on a woman named Sarah. Sarah is someone who has never read the Bible. She's heard people talk about it, as well as seen it on bookshelves, but she never quite understood what made it so special.

One day while walking in the park with her dog, she stopped for a moment to relax and take in the beautiful day. She noticed an old man reading the bible. She thought that with him being old, the entire setting was so cute; this old man sitting on a park bench reading an old book like the Bible. The two struck up a pleasant yet thought-provoking conversation about the beautiful plants, the interesting colors produced by nature and how well behaved and handsome her dog was.

They continued to talk about all kinds of things like, the neighborhood he wanted to live in, the things he’d like to one day accomplish and how he’d like to change this beautiful park into a zoo-like garden with animals and other wildlife. What she found interesting about their conversation is that he didn't speak about the past. His entire conversation had to do with the future, his future. As their friendly conversation progressed, this man didn’t appear old to her at all, because his thoughts were inspiring and fresh. But what did seem oddly out of place was why he was reading such an outdated book? She mustered up the courage to ask.

His response astounded her.

The first thing he told her was about the accuracy of the text. He explained that Jehovah God used some 40 faithful men to compose the books of the Bible and even though it was written by many different authors over thousands of years, within its pages Jehovah God revealed his purpose for humans and for their earthly home. He compared each book of the Bible to a puzzle piece, where each piece fit perfectly with the others to create a beautiful picture that inspires us to reflect on Jehovah's qualities of love, mercy, and compassion. He also pointed out the careful efforts that the many copyists made over the centuries to preserve the accuracy of the Bible. This accuracy made the Bible a reliable source of guidance and wisdom for people all over the world. Undoubtedly, it was Jehovah who made sure his message to mankind would be accurately preserved.

Next, he told her about the Bible’s ability to predict future events. He explained that the Bible contained many prophecies that had been fulfilled throughout history. From the accurate prediction depicting the fall of the great city of Babylon, to the birth and life of Jesus Christ, the Bible got it all right. For the Bible to be so precise in the past, it is highly plausible that we can believe in the things that it has predicted but has not yet come true. He compared it to a roadmap that details the terrain through unmarked and dangerous territory, where the Bible provides guidance on what to expect and how to prepare for the future. This ability to predict future events made the Bible a valuable tool for understanding the world and our place in it. There is no other book that strengthens our confidence in the reliability of God’s promises for the future.

The final thing he told her was how the Bible has the power to transform lives. Not only does the Bible contain stories of people who had overcome great challenges, and found hope and redemption, but in everyday application, countless numbers of people have yielded positive results by following its advice. (Psalm 119:66, 138.) He told her of the many married couples who were once on the brink of divorce, that have now put their differences aside and are fully united in providing their children a loving atmosphere in a Christian home, where they feel secure and loved. (Ephesians 5:22-29) He compared it to a beacon of light, where the Bible makes clear one’s pathway to a better life. No matter the culture or background, this power to transform lives made the Bible a source of comfort and inspiration for billions of people throughout history. He marveled that the fact that the Bible’s advice works so well for people from so many different beliefs, it too was powerful proof that we can trust it as God’s Word.

After hearing these three things, Sarah began to understand what made the Bible so special. She also understood why so many people try to sow doubts in people's minds about the truthfulness of the Bible. She decided to make it a practice to read a portion of God’s Word each day so that she could explore for herself and discover a world of wisdom, guidance, and hope.

As she read the Bible, she found that it has the warmth, variety, and appeal that the human element gives it. Then she quickly realized that it was more than just a book - it was a source of solid hope, hope regarding a future Paradise on earth that all can rely on. (Psalm 119:105)

Thank you for reading,
-Soli Jehova Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31)


Do you have a comment that did not get mentioned during the Watchtower study? What encouraging observations would you like to point out? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.


Hi Juliette, I’m so glad you enjoyed the story and found it inspiring. I’m making the desire of finding interested ones as I go about my day a matter of prayer and asking Jehovah to allow me to just talk and listen, then take it from there ‘IF’ the conversation goes that way.


Hey Jennifer, Your part 2 reminded me of this song:

The seed of the truth has power to grow in hearts that are honest and true.

That’s so very true, and since the truth will NEVER change, your sister just may and join our happy family.🙏 Yes, there’s still time!😊


…. just to add to the experience, that I told prior, my sister later on, ended up studying, and she also came into the truth. My mother had six girls, and one boy all of us are in the truth now except for one of my sisters. My mother was the first one to come in to the truth in 1977. My father is 86 he still is not in the truth. But we all do witness to him. My sister that’s not in the truth she doesn’t want to hear about it. But there’s still time…

Jennifer Jones

This story is so beautiful – the older man was telling her his story of being forever happy. What a great conversation starter. The listener may be confused but the story is so compelling and delightful they may ask – where is that place – I want to visit. One never knows when we show how convinced we are about our future – which can be their future as well. Loved it – it was inspiring. Thank you so much


Hey Ashlee, I remember the advice, but some how forgot it.
Step 1: Just Be Friendly. Step 2: Let the Conversation Progress Naturally. Step 3: Simple Expression of Our Faith.

I’m just going to let the conversation flow naturally and if the opportunity presents itself, I’ll make a witness.

Thanks so much for the reminder!🙏❤️😊


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