SA09 - Cherish God’s Gift of Life
Sophia always dreamed of creating a beautiful garden filled with various vegetable plants, fruit vines, and other herbaceous bushes that could bear small seed stems to be used as spices. She decided to start her project in her backyard where there would be plenty of space to grow. She hoped that one day, this garden could benefit not only her family, but also neighbors and friends.
She began by selecting the very best seeds for her plants, then planting them. She carefully chose the right spot for each, making sure they were properly spaced apart so that each would get plenty of sunshine. She would spend hours a day, weeding and manicuring the garden to make sure everything was just right.
As Sophia's garden began to grow, she noticed something peculiar. The plants would move as though they were personified objects, each making subtle gestures such as pointing towards the sun as it slowly moves across the sky or reaching out to touch the others, as if to brace one against the other in a warm affectionate hug. They would also release their scents, some acting as an insecticide for the other, the smells emitted would then serve as fertilizer for the other; giving life to this wonderful garden ecosystem.
Sophia's garden was flourishing, and the plants were starting to mature. The vegetables were growing larger, and the fruits were becoming sweeter. The plants had everything they needed to thrive, but Sophia knew they were not invincible. Bugs and small insects were starting to feast on them, trying to take away what they had worked so hard to create.
Sophia knew that the plants needed to do their part to protect themselves. She reminded them that they were special gifts and should never take their existence for granted. They were put here for a purpose, that of never becoming devoured by the outside world. She said that they should value their own existence and respect the effort put in so that they could flourish. She also told them that she would do what she could to help them survive, but they would have to do their part by protecting themselves from the bugs and insects that were trying to destroy them. They understood that the one who planted them expected that they exercise self-control when deciding what and how much to eat and drink. (1 Corinthians 6:12; 9:25)
The plants in Sophia's garden were thriving because they avoided harmful habits that could have otherwise hindered their growth. For instance, they were safety conscious by not allowing themselves to be exposed to harmful chemicals. They also took advantage of the nutrients provided through the soil.
Other plants in neighboring gardens were not as fortunate. Some were exposed to toxic pesticides, while others were not provided with the right conditions to grow. These bad habits proved very costly, and as a result, these plant did not reach their full potential. It was clear that the plants in Sophia's garden had made the right decisions, by avoiding harmful habits and remaining safety conscious, they were able to thrive and produce fruits and vegetables of exceptional quality.
The plants listened to Sophia's words and started to work together to protect themselves. They did their best to prevent life-threatening events such as natural disasters and violent conflicts that from time to time affected the garden. Rather than believe “every word” they heard, they made every effort to obtain the most accurate information from the most reliable sources. (Proverbs 14:15) They grew thicker leaves to protect themselves from the sun and stronger roots to withstand the stormy winds. They also started to release natural chemicals to repel the bugs and insects that were trying to eat them.
As the plants continued to mature, they started to bear fruits and vegetables that were even more delicious and nutritious then before, which made Sophia proud of what she had accomplished. The plants greatly fulfilled the life that their Creator intended, and she knew that it was partially due to the their hard work and determination that made it all possible.
In the end, this garden was not just a beautiful and productive space, it was a place where the plants got to show their gratitude for the Source of life, for we are all plants and flowers in Jehovah’s garden. (Revelation 4:11)
Thank you for reading,
-Soli Jehova Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Do you have a comment that did not get mentioned during the Watchtower study? What encouraging observations would you like to point out? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
I liked the story about Sophia’s garden☺️. We are all plants and flowers in Jehovah’s garden ☺️
It’s amazing isn’t it James. A study conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society research demonstrated that plants respond to human voices. The great Master Worker of all is Jehovah God, and all his works are perfect.
Thank you for that comment Barbara. So sorry to hear about your mother’s help issue. I really appreciate this point as well. Even though there is only so much that we can do to stay in good health, we must do our utmost to show our heavenly Father that we appreciate the gift of life. The older we get, the more attention we must give to this matter…, I hope your mom is doing better. ❤️🙏
I appreciated paragraph3 because my mother had a stroke the year she and I was making a goal to regular pioneer. “We should try to stay healthy to serve Jehovah to the best of our ability. We desire to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. My mother forgot to take her blood pressure medicine with her when she went out of town. I try to eat healthy , exercise, and have a grateful heart to stay in good health and to show Jehovah I appreciate the precious gift of life.
As a gardener myself, I love how the plants respond to the light and tilt towards it. Jehovah is a masterful designer, his creations are remarkable.