Keep “the Flame of Jah” AliveSA23 - Keep “the Flame of Jah” Alive

In the heart of an unexplored jungle, a daring duo, Joe and Jenn, embark on an unforgettable journey. With Joe leading the way and Jenn carefully navigating from behind, they battle through the dense wilderness, overcoming intense spider webs that threaten to halt Jenn's progress and flooded pathways with slippery mud that tests Joe's patience. Despite the challenges, their determination pushes them forward, relentlessly progressing towards their goal. As dusk descends upon them, they quickly realize it's time to set up camp. Thirsty and tired, they find themselves at a nearby clearing, contemplating their next move.

Their first decision is crucial - they need a campfire. But how can they build a fire from scratch that will ignite and endure in the unforgiving wilderness? The mysteries of the jungle loom large, and they are about to unveil the secrets to taming the wild.

Having discovered a suitable spot to spend the evening, they swiftly gathered the necessary items to start their campfire. Recalling the advice of seasoned travelers who had faced similar challenges, they knew that subtle details could make all the difference in igniting, sustaining, and maintaining a fire. They thought of old stories where couples worked together to keep the flame alive, realizing that it required attentiveness to even the smallest aspects, like how tightly the pieces of wood were arranged together - if too tight, the flame wouldn't get enough oxygen and could quickly die out. With this in mind, they focused on the three crucial elements for a successful fire: the right balance of fuel, spark, and proper oxygen flow.

Both Joe and Jenn were accustomed to pitching their tent at manicured camping sites with designated fire pits, but this time, they had to rely on those well thought out ideas to create one from this natural environment. They meticulously prepared the area, using branches with leaves as a makeshift broom to clear away potential fire hazards, such as debris, and ensuring no dead branches loomed overhead. With great care, they crafted the base for their fire pit, gathering mineral soil, gravel, and sand, with the important goal of protecting the fertile ground from the intense heat that would soon be created.

The mission to ignite their campfire continued, with the next step being a layer of bundled tinder. There was a critical balance that must be maintained, that of not laying down too little, as the flame could quickly die out before reaching the kindling, while keeping the tinder dry was paramount, for wet tinder could inhibit a small flame from catching. They took every precaution to shield the tinder from any soggy surfaces.

Next came the art of stacking the kindling. Joe and Jenn understood that there was no one specific way to arrange the kindling for ignition - different layouts served different fire types. Whether building a 'platform-fire' for cooking or a 'lean-to-fire' for easier ignition, the key was to ensure their tinder was small enough to nurture a tiny flame and dry enough to catch fire easily. 

Then, it was time to light the campfire!

Joe and Jenn knew that a solid fire required favorable conditions. They had selected a location sheltered from wind and humidity, anticipating potential challenges. Joe, with a determined gleam in his eyes, took two sticks and expertly began rubbing them together, channeling his inner survival skills. As the sticks met, friction and heat were born, and he persisted with unwavering focus. Gradually, a faint glimmer of an ember emerged, and his face lit up with satisfaction. Sensing the opportunity to help their fledgling fire come alive, Jenn leaned in, her breath fueling the ember's growth. She blew gently, her warm breath coaxing the glowing piece of kindle brighter and brighter. Joe's efforts combined with Jenn's gentle encouragement yielded a tiny flame that soon danced triumphantly, a testament to their teamwork and resilience in the heart of this wild jungle.

Jenn quickly dug into her rucksack, which held precious bits of broken candle wax, standing at the ready in case an accelerant to sustain the flame was needed. As the spark caught the tinder, they both blew gently together, witnessing the flame grow in intensity, gradually igniting larger pieces of kindling. As Joe gathered extra tinder, Jenn, feeling almost faint and exhausted from blowing, found a large leaf to gently fan the flames, ensuring sufficient airflow and oxygen to keep the fire alive. The campfire was now roaring, providing a steady setting for cooking.

With the foundation firmly set, they exchanged congratulatory high-fives, then embraced in a warm hug, excited about the delightful meal and warm blaze they were about to enjoy. The jungle had witnessed their triumph, and they settled in, secure in their campsite and eager for the adventures that awaited them.

However, they knew their responsibility to the environment and campsite safety was paramount. They would not let their fire become a threat by following these essential safety tips:

  • Start small: Begin with a manageable campfire; adding more wood is easier than controlling a large fire and always be careful when using accelerants.
  • Stay vigilant: Attend to the campfire at all times. Leaving it unattended, even for a few minutes, can lead to a dangerous situation or the fire going out.
  • Before sleep: Ensure the fire is under control and extinguish any potential issues before going to sleep for the night.
  • Be ready: Keep a bucket of water, dirt, or sand nearby to swiftly extinguish any flying embers, sparks, or emergencies that may arise.

Even though about 41 percent of all first-time campfires go out, Joe and Jenn were determined to keep going strong, they could see that this campfire had the potential to burn indefinitely. The jungle night embraced them as they laid by their campfire, a symbol of their triumph over nature's challenges. As the flames danced in the darkness, the couple felt a profound connection to the untamed world around them, forging memories that would last a lifetime.

Thank you for reading,
-Soli Jehova Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31)


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Good read

Barbara Simmons

Great illustration! Enjoyed this story. Thanks for all you do.


Thanks a lot for these inspiring stories and encouragement! They brightened my day. So in turn I’m wishing you a wonderful and productive day as well! 😃


You truly are a splendid writer, my dear brother! Your illustrations are simply marvelous. One can gleam your adoration for crafting these enchanting tales interwoven with the lessons from the Watchtower. My heartfelt gratitude for all your dedicated efforts.

Audrey LeBrun

How appropriate is this illustration as we move into the camping season. Get analogy and summation of the beautiful WT. Great job as usual

Orchid Johnson-Henderson

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