SA43 - True Wisdom Is Crying Aloud
The Bible’s wisdom has had a significant influence on the moral and ethical beliefs of present-day societies through its teachings on love, compassion, and forgiveness. One example is the command at Mark 12:31 to "love your neighbor as yourself", this is a central tenet of many modern systems of government and has shaped the way in which individuals and societies view issues such as social justice, equality, and human rights.
Still many people do not believe in the existence of God or that the Bible is relevant or applicable to modern-day life as they question its historical accuracy. Additionally, some people prefer to rely on their own judgment and reasoning, or on the advice and guidance of other human beings (so called experts), rather than on the teachings of the Bible. They believe that they are capable of making their own decisions and shaping their own lives without the need for divine guidance.
We are surrounded by unwise influence and therefore must resist the temptation to follow our own understanding instead of the Bible’s guidance to make wise choices. How can we do this?
- Do not allow ourselves to be one of the “inexperienced ones” who are childlike, easily persuaded and deceived. (Proverbs 14:15) The world is quick to confuse innocence with naïveté, never do we want to be someone who chooses to show a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
- Next is a person that enjoys mocking others, the “ridiculer” is a person motivated by “their own desires for ungodly things.” (Jude 7, 17, 18) These ones cause repeated emotional pain, distress and annoyance to others and are closely aligned to apostates because inevitably they abandon their previously firmly held loyalty due to the way they speak against those who have been placed to lead Jehovah’s organization.
- Finally, we have those who reject wisdom outright and are considered “foolish ones” or stupid ones. They refuse to live by God’s moral laws and instead want to do what's in their own eyes for their own reasons. (Proverbs 12:15)
This article warns us to stay away from these ones, and then gives us advice on how to do so by protecting our figurative heart and being content with what we have, thinking before we speak and following direction as we carry out our ministry and follow the wise guidance we are given at our Christian meetings. When we follow this sound advice, we are choosing to act in accord with the true wisdom written in God’s Word, knowing that we “will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.” - Proverbs 1:20
In a loud and clear voice, wisdom is crying out in the public places for all to hear. In ancient Israel the older men gave wise counsel and rendered judicial decisions at the city gates. For us, Jehovah has caused true wisdom to be recorded in his Word, the Bible, which is widely available. As his servants today we are busy publicly declaring its message everywhere and we are determined to always act on the wisdom that Jehovah provides.
Thank you for reading,
-Soli Jehova Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Do you have a comment that did not get mentioned during the Watchtower study? What encouraging observations would you like to point out? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
I got a lot from the picture of the women, one is hiding her mouth, one looks amused, one concerned and one shocked. That’s wehat gossiping does when we blather about our brothers and sisters.
So true Lezlie, when Jesus walked the earth, he taught “the truth,” and early Christians even referred to their belief as “the truth.” (John 8:32) Now religious leaders are so far removed from teaching “the truth” that even their congregants don’t mind if they promote doctrines that conflict with Jesus’ teachings and are not a true form of Christianity.
This stood out to me. Many feel as did one devoutly religious woman in Quebec, Canada, who said to a visiting Witness, “If our priest has misled us, it will be his fault, not ours!” We certainly do not want to imitate those who are willfully ignorant.
It’s sad when people blame others for the bad choices they make. I’m thankful to Jehovah and Jesus for how, through Jehovah’s organization, we are taught the truth and are helped to make the best decisions for ourselves.
Thank you for bringing this point out Barbara. In some way, we don’t truly know how much heartache and headaches we truly avoid by following the godly discernment found in the scriptures but we’re grateful for the ability to distinguish right from wrong and to choose the correct way to go. Thank you Jehovah for teaching us through your Word!
I appreciated Proverbs 3:13-18. Especially verse 18…(Wisdom) “It is a tree of life to those who take hold of it, And those who keep firm hold of it will be called happy”. By applying Jehovah’s wisdom I avoid unnecessary headaches and heartaches.