SA47 - Let Nothing Separate You From Jehovah
Imagine a mother driving in a heavy snowstorm with her two young children safely tucked away in the back seat. Thankfully the youngest is fast asleep allowing her to fully concentrate on navigating the treacherous snow-covered icy roads. It’s a full-blown blizzard. The more she drives, the harder the snow falls, and the more work the windshield wipers must do to keep her view clear.
Unfortunately, the storm is just too powerful. The melting snow and ice from the windshield starts to get under the hood-lip and quickly starts building up. She contemplates stopping the car to clear away the accumulated snow trench under the wipers, but she’s afraid to come to a complete stop for fear the car will get stuck in these increasingly hazardous road conditions.
As she continues driving, the wipers are moving slower and slower, refusing to return to their down position as the cold rubber of the blades slip across the frost-coated windshield; until finally both wipers cease functioning, severely impairing her visibility.
Suddenly, she sees a yellow flashing light in the distance. It’s an emergency road crew. They have set up a check point to assist anxious drivers that may need help. What a relief this mother must feel to finally find the assistance she so desperately needs!
We are faced with a similar situation today because the world conditions are steadily getting worse and when we are in a position where we’ve had to undergo misfortune and difficulty for a prolonged period, we may start to feel hopeless and downhearted. Satan strategizes for these very moments. He longs to take advantage of these opportunities so he can get us to doubt Jehovah’s love for us. He truly wants us to question whether Jehovah is responsible for our suffering. It’s the same line of reasoning he used with Eve in the Garden.
But how can we keep our trust in Jehovah and his organization strong? We can pour out our heart to Jehovah in prayer and continue to look to him for support. When you have a good friend, you talk to him regularly, and this keeps your friendship strong. In the same way, when we talk to Jehovah regularly in prayer, it keeps our love for him strong. We can also maintain our spiritual routine of attending meetings, meditation, and study of the scriptures.
Not only do we talk to Jehovah, to remain close to him, but we also need to talk to others about our faith, because we know that talking to others about Jehovah draws us closer to him. Even if we are teased and mocked for our service to the true God, we should always remember where this ridicule comes from and be determined to uphold Jehovah’s standards. Like Job, Satan intentionally targets us with the goal of breaking our integrity and intimidating us.
Remember the joy we receive from serving Jehovah. When we are suffering hardships, Satan wants us to believe that Jehovah has left us without any hope and that if we continue supporting him, our lives will only become more difficult. Jehovah will never abandon us. (Psalm28:7) So let’s allow nothing to separate ourselves from Jehovah and like that road crew, may he too appear in the distance, ready to provide us with the much needed support to get through the storm! (Romans 8:35-39)
Thank you for reading,
-Soli Jehova Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Do you have a comment that did not get mentioned during the Watchtower study? What encouraging observations would you like to point out? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
I’m so glad to hear that this illustration resonated with you. This was a based on a true story related to growing up here also in the North East so I totally understand that tension and stress you felt in your head and neck. I’m so thankful that the slave continues to remind us of how important our relationship with Jehovah should be.
The Illustration of the Mother
I lived in NY and I can attest to that scenario. When I reached my destination the stress in my neck made head movement impossible. It was an excellent reminder of how I need to depend more on Jehovah and recognize Satanic influences. Thanks. I will share with my studies.