SA49 - Everlasting Life for You—But How?
Jesus taught that everlasting life is possible for those who recognize him and exercise faith, as seen in John 6:40. Using the example of manna, he explained that unlike those who ate and later died, those who figuratively partake of him as the “bread of life” can live forever through his sacrifice.
- Jesus promised everlasting life to those who recognize the Son and exercise faith in him. (John 6:40)
- Many people prioritize health but do not expect to live forever due to aging and suffering.
- Jesus spoke positively about everlasting life, as shown in John 3:16 and 5:24.
- After miraculously feeding a crowd, Jesus taught them about resurrection and eternal life. (John 6:39-40)
Hope of resurrection applies to our loved ones who have died.
- Some found Jesus’ words in John 6 difficult to understand.
- The crowd linked the miraculous loaves to the manna provided to their ancestors. (Psalm 105:40; John 6:31)
- Jesus contrasted manna with himself as "the true bread from heaven", giving eternal life. (John 6:32-35, 49-51)
- His statement about eating his flesh and drinking his blood (John 6:53) shocked his audience.
- Jesus was not promoting cannibalism but speaking figuratively about faith in his sacrifice.
- Similar to his teaching about living water (John 4:7, 14), Jesus' flesh and blood symbolize Jehovah’s provision for everlasting life.
Some claim Jesus' words in John 6:53 set a pattern for the Lord’s Evening Meal, but there are key differences:
- John 6:53-56 was spoken in Galilee in 32 C.E. to a crowd that largely rejected Jesus.
- The Lord’s Evening Meal was instituted in 33 C.E. with Jesus' faithful apostles.
- The Galilean crowd focused on physical needs, while the apostles remained loyal despite limited understanding. (Luke 22:28)
- These distinctions disprove the claim that John 6:53 refers to the Lord’s Evening Meal.
- During the Lord’s Evening Meal, Jesus said the bread and wine represented his body and blood. (Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:20)
- The new covenant is with the spiritual Israel—those who will reign in God’s Kingdom. (Hebrews 8:6, 10; 9:15)
- The “little flock” was expected to partake of the emblems. (Luke 12:32)
- However, everlasting life is available to all who exercise faith in Jesus. (John 6:51)
- Jesus’ words in Galilee applied to all people, not just a select group.
- Simply believing in Jesus is not enough—faith requires action. (John 6:29)
- Some who initially believed later abandoned him when teachings became difficult. (John 6:66)Jesus emphasized that true disciples must accept and obey his teachings. (John 5:40; 6:44)
- Faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice is essential. (Ephesians 1:7)
- John 6 highlights Jesus’ compassion and provision—he healed the sick and fed the hungry. (Luke 9:11; John 6:2, 11-12)
- The “other sheep” do not partake of the emblems but benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice through faith. (John 10:16; 6:53)
- Those who partake demonstrate they are part of the new covenant and heirs of the heavenly Kingdom.
- Everlasting life is available to all who exercise faith in Jesus.
- Understanding the difference between John 6 and the Lord’s Evening Meal clarifies who should partake.
- Whether partaking or not, all can benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice through faith and obedience.
Thank you for reading,
-Soli Jehova Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31)
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Enjoyed reading the summary. Thank you🤗
I appreciate all the work that went to this summary. Thank you