SA49 - We Can Live Forever
One day soon, there will come a time when all who have proven their faithfulness to Jehovah will dwell in a place simply referred to as, Paradise.
In this place, there is no such thing as death or aging. The people who live here are gifted with eternal youth and longevity. They spend their days enjoying fulfilling work, exploring the lush forests, sparkling streams, and reveling in the wonders of the natural beauty that surround them.
There is never a lack of meaningful work or adventure in Paradise. Every day brings new opportunities for understanding, exploration, and discovery. The residents are free to pursue their passions and interests, without worrying about the constraints of time or the limitations of their physical bodies. They travel to the farthest reaches of the world, climb the tallest mountains, and dive to the furthest depths of the ocean, all without fear of harm or danger.
In Paradise, there is no suffering or pain. The residents are happy, healthy, and free from the worries that once plagued their former world. They now live in harmony with each other and with nature, and never tire of the beauty and majesty of their surroundings.
In their travels, they also meet other immortals who they form lasting bonds that span an eternity. Together as they engage in a rewarding teaching work, they get to encounter creatures that inspire wonder of the God of creation; his intelligence stretches beyond their wildest dreams. They’re astounded at the grace, power, and beauty of creation, while laughing with the mischievous small animals and birds, truly astonished by the wisdom seemingly possessed by the many towering ancient trees that appear to endlessly stretch towards the sky.
How do we know that Paradise is not just some figurative place or fantasy?
Although Jehovah lives forever, he created living things to have a limited life span, that is, except humans. He gave the first human pair the unique prospect of never dying. Because the first man Adam sinned, he lost his right to live in paradise and an opportunity to gain the right to everlasting life, which was represented in the fruit of the divinely designated tree in the center of the garden. Had Adam and Eve obeyed Jehovah, they would not have died. They would have had God's assurance that they would “live forever” –Genesis 3:22.
There’s no way that Jehovah would have created us with the desire and capacity to continue living unless his purpose was for us to do just that, keep living. Jehovah did not change his mind regarding his purpose as Isaiah 55:11 points out, His word does not go out of his mouth and return without results. The ransom attest to this point, by giving his Son as a ransom to cover our sins, Jehovah makes it possible for us to gain everlasting life. (Matthew 20:28) Reinstalling his original purpose, that faithful humans live forever.
For the people of Paradise, life is an endless adventure, filled with wonder, joy and most importantly rewarding work. They know that they never have to leave this place. Free to praise Jehovah for making good on His promise of returning earth into an idyllic, extremely happy, and peaceful place and restoring everyone to everlasting life so they may enjoy it. Humankind become intimately aware of why Jehovah put eternity in their hearts.
We know that Jehovah has opened the door to this possibility, now we must take advantage of every opportunity to stay on the path that leads to eternal life.
Thank you for reading,
-Soli Jehova Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Do you have a comment that did not get mentioned during the Watchtower study? What encouraging observations would you like to point out? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
Excellent point Lezlie, because of imperfection, we can never truly imagine just how exquisite the new world will be. But we do know that everything that Jehovah has created is suited perfectly with his final masterpiece creation, the human being. Our sensibilities are uniquely in-tuned with all his wonderful works. Jehovah truly is such a loving, caring and giving Father.
Jehovah is such a loving, caring, and giving Father. It’s going to be a beautiful thing to know the joy that Jehovah will having seeing his purpose toward faithful one’s realized.
His beautiful creation, earth, filled with happy, obedient children. Every good father knows the joy he gets seeing his children happy because of what he’s given them, that will be the joy Jehovah will experience.
Thank you so much for this and last week’s summary! Not sure if I want to climb the mountains but everything else is what I long for!!
We really enjoyed the summary you put together for article 49. It was lovely! Thank you for putting so much effort into it.
Hey Barbara – Yes! It’s what so lacking in Satan’s apathetic world. Hope. And why do we have the best life ever? Because we have such a tremendous hope!! 😊