Learn From the Parting Words of Faithful MenSA45 - Learn From the Parting Words of Faithful Men

Faithful older men like Moses, David, and the apostle John shared valuable guidance, emphasizing obedience to Jehovah and the blessings it brings. By heeding the wisdom of elders and reflecting on their counsel, we can make wise decisions and strengthen our relationship with God.


  • Job 12:12 highlights the value of wisdom and understanding that comes with age.
    • Obedience to Jehovah brings blessings now and the hope of everlasting life.
    • Guidance for life’s important decisions can often come from older, mature Christians.
  • Jehovah wants us to learn from the experience and wisdom of older ones.(Job 12:12)
    • In Bible times, faithful older men like Moses, David, and John provided wise counsel that still benefits us today.
  • Their parting words emphasize obedience to Jehovah and are preserved for our guidance.



  • Moses, devoted to Jehovah, served as prophet, judge, commander, and historian.
  • He led Israel out of Egypt, witnessed Jehovah’s miracles, and wrote key Bible books, including the first five books, Psalm 90, and likely the book of Job.
  • Before dying at 120, Moses reminded Israel of Jehovah’s miracles and urged them to obey God.
    • Examples include crossing the Red Sea and experiencing Jehovah’s care in the wilderness.
    • Many who witnessed Jehovah’s miracles did not live to enter the Promised Land due to disobedience. (Numbers 14:22, 23)
    • Younger Israelites and the tribe of Levi entered Canaan, fulfilling Jehovah’s promise. (Deuteronomy 1:24-40)
  • Moses urged Israel to “choose life” by loving Jehovah and obeying His commandments. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20)
  • Disobedience led to exile under Assyrians and Babylonians. (2 Kings 17:6-8)
  • Lesson for us: Obedience leads to life and the hope of living forever in Paradise.
    • Paradise will be free of false religion, oppressive governments, and rebellion. (Revelations 17:16; Psalm 37:10, 11)
    • Obedience ensures eternal life on a peaceful, unified earth. (Psalm 37:29; John 3:16)


  • David, a loyal servant of Jehovah, was a king, poet, prophet, and warrior. Despite trials and personal failings, Jehovah described him as “a man agreeable to [His] heart.” (Acts 13:22)
  • David advised his son Solomon to obey Jehovah’s laws to ensure success. (1 Kings 2:2, 3)
    • Solomon prospered for many years, building the temple and gaining wisdom and fame.
    • Later, Solomon turned to false gods, losing Jehovah’s favor and the wisdom to govern righteously. (1 Kings 11:9, 10)
  • Lesson for us: Obedience to Jehovah brings wisdom to make sound decisions.
    • God’s principles guide practical areas like education, employment, and family life.
    • Applying divine wisdom fosters strong friendships, happiness, and protection from harm.
  • Example: Carmen in Mozambique left university to serve Jehovah full-time, prioritizing spiritual growth over secular success.



  • John, the beloved apostle, witnessed Jesus’ ministry, miracles, and resurrection.
  • He wrote inspired scripture, including Revelation, and emphasized the joy of seeing others walk in truth. (3 John 4)
  • John highlighted that obedience to Jehovah brings joy to both humans and Jehovah Himself. (Proverbs 27:11)
  • Lesson for us: Faithfulness leads to joy.
    • It brings happiness to know we please Jehovah and remain loyal despite trials.
    • Sharing the truth with others adds to our joy.
  • Example: Rachel from the Dominican Republic finds joy in helping others grow spiritually and love Jehovah.


  • Moses, David, and John encouraged others to obey Jehovah and warned of the consequences of disobedience.
  • Their timeless advice motivates us to stick to Jehovah, pursue obedience, and look forward to everlasting blessings.
Thank you for reading,

-Soli Jehova Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31)


Do you have a comment that did not get mentioned during the Watchtower study? What encouraging observations would you like to point out? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.


This article was very encouraging.

Barbara Simmons

Hats off to the faithful and discrete slave and the writting committee. I never would have thought about these old wise men and what they went through if it wasn’t for them and you too for summarizing these great points for me to reconsider.


Being in my golden years now, I realize that wisdom that I’ve gained with age is a reminder of how Jehovah’s created us, in each stage of life we bring unique contributions and benefits to those we rub elbows with.

Joan Spencer

My wife and I were grateful to be included in the WT segment at our circuit assembly.


I love the symmetry between age and understanding mentioned in Job 12:12. Thank you.

D. Ott

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