Brothers - Are You Reaching Out to Be a Ministerial ServantSA46 - Brothers - Are You Reaching Out to Be a Ministerial Servant

The article encourages baptized brothers to reach out and qualify as ministerial servants, highlighting the joy and privilege that comes from serving the congregation. Drawing on scriptural examples and personal experiences, it explores the role of ministerial servants, their qualifications, and the motivations for aspiring to this vital work.


  • Ministerial servants perform vital work in the congregation, supporting elders and assisting in practical tasks.
  • The apostle Paul appreciated ministerial servants, greeting them specifically in his letters. (Philippians 1:1)
  • Brothers of all ages, like Devan (appointed at 18) and Luis (appointed in his 50s), find joy in this privilege.
  • Baptized brothers not yet serving as ministerial servants should consider making this their goal.



  • A ministerial servant is appointed by holy spirit to help care for practical matters in the congregation.
  • Tasks include:
    • Managing ministry supplies (territory and literature).
    • Cleaning and maintaining the Kingdom Hall.
    • Operating sound and video equipment during meetings.
    • Serving as attendants.
  • Ministerial servants are first and foremost spiritual men, motivated by love for Jehovah and others. (Matthew 22:37-39)
  • They imitate Jesus by humbly giving of themselves to serve others.


  • Jesus Christ’s example shows that love for Jehovah and others is the best motivation. (John 13:5, 14, 15)
  • Unlike the world, where self-promotion is admired, Jehovah values brothers who humbly serve out of love. (Mark 10:43-44)
  • Prideful or selfish ambition disqualifies a person from serving. (1 Corinthians 10:24, 33)
  • Reflect on your motives and ensure they align with Jesus’ teaching: “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” (Acts 20:35)



  • Focus on the joys that come from serving others.
    • Example: Jesus taught and cared for others even when tired, motivated by love and pity for the crowd. (Mark 6:31-34)
    • He found joy in humbly teaching and caring for both spiritual and physical needs.
  • Practical services, like those rendered by ministerial servants, are important and bring satisfaction.
  • Every Christian has valuable qualities to contribute. (1 Corinthians 12:12-30)
  • Deepen your love for Jehovah and your brothers, which will motivate you to serve.


  • Review the qualifications for ministerial servants in 1 Timothy 3:8-10, 12 and work hard to meet them:
    • Be serious: Demonstrate reliability and take responsibilities seriously. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4)
    • Not double-tongued: Be sincere, honest, and trustworthy. (Proverbs 3:32)
    • Not greedy of dishonest gain: Be honest in dealings and avoid exploiting others for profit.
    • Not indulging in a lot of wine: Avoid overindulgence and maintain a good reputation.
    • Have a clean conscience: Live by Jehovah’s standards and enjoy peace from a good relationship with Him.
    • Tested as to fitness: Demonstrate trustworthiness by following assignments diligently. (1 Timothy 3:10)
    • Free from accusation: Keep conduct clean, avoiding serious wrongdoing. (Matthew 11:19)
    • Husbands of one wife: Maintain loyalty to your wife and uphold Jehovah’s marriage standard. (Hebrews 13:4)
    • Preside well over your household: Conduct family worship and help family members grow spiritually. (Ephesians 6:4; 1 Timothy 3:5)



  • Elders are encouraged to train and give assignments to baptized brothers, including younger ones, to help them develop and qualify. (1 Timothy 3:10)
  • Brothers who may lack confidence should remember that all Christians have a role to play in Jehovah’s organization. (Romans 12:4-8)
  • Even if you do not yet qualify, work to be useful to Jehovah and your brothers.
  • Reaching out brings joy and blessings from Jehovah. (Philippians 2:13)


Thank you for reading,
-Soli Jehova Gloria (1 Corinthians 10:31) 

Do you have a comment that did not get mentioned during the Watchtower study? What encouraging observations would you like to point out? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.


Really enjoyed this article. Although directed at brothers, I particularly found this point encouraging “work to be useful to Jehovah and your brothers.” We can be useful too to Jehovah by supporting the brothers who are assigned these privileges in order that they do not do it with any sighing.


Love this. Thank you.


Our ministerial servants are so dear to us. Keep up the great work fellas.

vicky navarro

There’s a 16 yo in our congregation, the elders are starting to give him more assignments, you can see how much it’s helping him level up, proof that being ‘tested as to fitness’ really works!


👋 Brother. I’d like to thank you for the crossword, I just sent you a donation.

My teen son just told me that this method of study helps him to remember the article. He comments more at the watchtower study, and talks about the key points long after the meeting is over. Wow! May Jehovah continue to bless your efforts.


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